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News & Updates

  • Coventry Cathedral receives Cathedral Music Trust grant
    11 Jul — We are delighted to have been awarded funding from the Cathedral Music Trust, to fund Music Department Administrative Support for 2024-2026.. Coventry Cathedral have received £28,900 by the Cathedral Music Trust, that…
  • Introducing our new Canon for Worship and Welcome
    31 Mar — We are absolutely delighted to be able to announce that the Revd Nitano Muller has been appointed as our new Canon for Worship and Welcome. We look forward to Nitano’s arrival in June when he will be installed to take…
  • Coventry Cathedral receives Eco Church Bronze award
    16 Feb — At the core of Coventry Cathedral’s mission is reconciliation and this also includes reconciling with the Earth, which is why improving our sustainability and becoming an Eco Church is at the centre of our mission. Eco…
  • Statement from Coventry Cathedral on Israel and Palestine, December…
    7 Dec — It’s got to stop – now! The terrible war between Israel and Hamas, following the attacks of October 7th, has left the world reeling, and the people of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank traumatized and terrified. Looking…
  • A farewell to Bishop Christopher
    7 Nov — Hundreds of people from across the diocese and beyond gathered at Coventry Cathedral on the 4th November for a service of thanksgiving and farewell to Bishop Christopher. After fifteen years as Bishop of Coventry, it…
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