The Millennium Chapel is a modern addition to the historic cathedral complex, it was built to commemorate the turn of the millennium in 2000. The chapel's architecture features a contemporary aesthetic, with clean lines and innovative use of materials. Inside, visitors find a serene and reflective space, often used for quiet contemplation, prayer, and meditation.
The names etched on the glass screen of Coventry Cathedral's Millennium Chapel hold profound significance, representing a diverse array of individuals and communities connected to the cathedral's history and ethos. These names include supporters and individuals who came together to initially fund the Millennium Chapel, additionally some names honour loved ones, memorializing their lives and legacies within the sacred space of the chapel.
Each name carries a story, a connection to the cathedral's past, present and future. As visitors trace their fingers over the inscriptions, they may reflect on the lives and deeds of those named, finding inspiration, solace, or gratitude in the memories evoked. The walls become a tangible expression of the cathedral's role as a centre of faith, community, and remembrance, bridging generations and uniting diverse individuals under a shared sense of spirituality.
If you would like to honour a loved one, or wish to have your own name added to the Millennium Screen, please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required. Your support will also help to conserve Coventry Cathedral's Endowment Fund which is in place to help preserve our beautiful building for future generations to enjoy.
Find out more about the Millennium Chapel here.