The Endowment Options
Unrestricted gifts would be of the greatest benefit, as they give us maximum flexibility to meet our changing needs, but restricted gifts are also welcome. The Cathedral is committed to using such donations in accordance with the donor's wishes. Our range of special endowment funds include:
- General
Income from this fund will ensure we can continue to meet the challenges and expectations of a fully-functioning cathedral in the 21st century. It will allow us to cope with occasional emergencies and help the Cathedral to respond to emerging needs and opportunities.
- Property
Income from this fund will assist with the small team of professionals who work to promote the preservation of the Cathedral estate. There is a schedule of works, which includes the implementation of the planned maintenance programme and the ongoing restoration and development of the Cathedral and its surrounding buildings and grounds.
- Reconciliation
Our vision and goals for reconciliation remain truly fundamental to the future of the Cathedral and its work. We need to build on our heritage and our internationally recognised role in bringing about reconciliation. Our goal is to become a leading centre for the thinking, theology and practice of reconciliation. Income from this fund would help us do this, so that our timeless message of forgiveness and hope continues to resonate around the world.
- Music
Income from this fund will help to maintain the highest musical standards for all to enjoy, including support for the magnificent and world-famous organ built by Harrison & Harrison. The Cathedral provides choristers (regardless of background or financial circumstance) both boys and girls, with a first class education in voice technique and in reading music, through regular choir practice and individual and group music lessons.