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Join the CCN!

We would love to talk to you about welcoming your organisation into the Community of the Cross of Nails.

In a regular year we have around ten new partners joining the network. If you'd like to be one of them, or just to find out more, do contact Alice, the CCN Co-ordinator, at email hidden; JavaScript is required- we'd love to talk to you!

email hidden; JavaScript is requiredWe live by these three key guiding principles:

  • Healing the wounds of history
  • Learning to live with difference and celebrate diversity
  • Building a culture of justice and peace

Our Fellowship is expressed through:

  • Maintaining links, sharing news and other regular communication with one another – one to one, through our social media networks or through our regional CCN partner networks.
  • Participating in regional or national co-ordinating groups (boards or committees) where these cover your area, and international gatherings in Coventry every few years.
  • Praying for one another and for the issues that members face – you may like to use our Prayer Diary which features all members.
  • Contributing towards the general work of CCN where possible.

Applying to Join

Applicants from Germany, the UK & Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada, the USA, and South Africa should first make contact with the chairs of the national networks in these countries either before, or alongside, contacting Coventry: they will assist you with information and introduce you to others in your area.

We ask all those wishing to join to send us a written application (you are welcome to use this 2024 CCN Application Form) which:

  1. Shows how your organisation reflects the three priorities of the CCN (above) in its life and priorities;
  2. Provides evidence of how this is related to your active ministry, prayer life or work;
  3. Where possible, provides commendation for your reconciliation ministry from existing CCN Partners or senior Christian leaders with knowledge of your work;
  4. Shows assurance of formal support within your organisation for joining.

Those applying to join the CCN are also invited to one of our pilgrimages to learn more, and to nurture their relationship with Coventry in the long term. We ask also that members pray the Litany of Reconciliation regularly.

The CCN International Board will review your application and once agreed, we will then arrange with you for the presentation of your Cross of Nails, in person by a senior member of Coventry Cathedral's ministry team, at an appropriate event or service. Each Cross of Nails is blessed at a Coventry Cathedral Sunday Eucharist service shortly before this.

Costs of joining the network

We ask all new partners who are able to, to cover the cost of their Cross of Nails, currently £250, and to meet return travel costs from Coventry for their Cross presentation and any accommodation if needed. There are no other costs to Coventry, although some of the national boards within the global CCN (Germany, the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, the UK & Ireland, Asia, South Africa and Central & Eastern Europe) have their own annual membership fees.

You are welcome to add any other information which you think may be useful to us in getting to know you and your commitment to reconciliation, and we are always very happy to keep in touch and assist you, if helpful, throughout the process. We look forward to hearing from you!

After you've joined: reconciliation toolkit

Download our toolkit with creative ideas for maintaining momentum in your reconciliation activity or learning across your organisation once you've received your Cross of Nails. Download the toolkit here.

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© Coventry Cathedral 2024 Coventry Cathedral is the working name of The Cathedral Church of St Michael Coventry (Registered charity no. 1204257)
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