The qualification for being married in the Cathedral is that one or both of the couple must be resident in the Cathedral parish, or be a regular worshipper at the Cathedral and a member of our Electoral Roll. (Please note that the change in the law in 2008 which makes it easier for couples to get married in a church where they have a family or other special connection even if they don’t live in the parish does not apply to cathedrals.)
Alternatively, those who are able to demonstrate a strong personal link with the Cathedral can apply for a Special Licence from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Faculty Office. We can advise you on this, but you need to be aware that an additional fee is payable for an Archbishop’s Licence, and it is not always granted.
If none of these options is open to you, we would be happy to explore the possibility of a Service of Blessing in the Cathedral. This normally follows a civil wedding ceremony. No particular legal requirements apply in this situation.
Please note that it is not possible for civil partnerships to be registered in the Cathedral. The law also prevents the Cathedral from being used as the venue for marriage ceremonies of same-sex couples.
We have a number of lovely chapels which are suitable for more intimate family gatherings, as well as the Nave for larger groups. We can also offer spaces for a reception, bells, music and the wonderful setting of the Ruins for your photographs.
If you'd like to discuss any of these services, please get in touch with our Liturgical Assistant Rhiann Albon at email hidden; JavaScript is required or contact Canon Nitano Muller at email hidden; JavaScript is required or call 02476 521 225.