Coventry Cathedral exists to reconcile the world to God and one another
We are seeking to appoint someone who brings the experience necessary to further develop and resource Coventry Cathedral’s ministry of reconciliation locally, nationally and internationally, and to maintain its close integration with our arts programme. This is a senior appointment offering an excellent opportunity for a person with significant expertise and skills and with a heart for this key ministry.
The person appointed will be a Canon Residentiary, and, as such, will need to have been ordained for at least six years. They will play a full role in the senior leadership and in the worshipping life of the Cathedral. They will also work closely with colleagues across the Diocese of Coventry, and especially our new Bishop, as we fulfil our calling as a Diocese of Reconciliation.
To download the job pack, application form, liturgical plan or the Cathedral's annual report, please click on the links below:
Canon for Arts and Reconciliation Job Pack
Canon Application Form
The Cathedral's Annual Report
Closing Date: Monday 13th January at 9am
Interviews: Week commencing Monday 3rd February
To speak to the Dean, or with other questions, please contact