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Pilgrimages and Gatherings

International Youth Gathering in Berlin, 12-13th October 2024

Berlin has been shaped like no other city by German history. Join us for discussion with our Berlin partners, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, the Chapel of Reconciliation, the Martin-Niemöller-Haus Berlin-Dahlem, Martin-Luther-Memorial-Church and the Garrison Church in Potsdam, on whether and how the wounds of history can be healed, different forms of remembrance, and how we respond to rising populism.

Open to young reconcilers from 18 to 28 (German participants from 16 with parental consent; those older than 28 but still studying, or young people outside of Europe interested in attending please contact us!)

Accommodation in homestays with members of the CCN and hostels.

Attendance is FREE, with just a small cost to cover meals, and some travel assistance is available: 90 euros for those travelling by train for journeys over three hours, and 120 euros for those taking flights.

Do join us! Register your interest here or contact us with any questions: . Further information and programme here.

Pilgrimage to Coventry

We encourage all partners and those interested in joining the Community of the Cross of Nails to come to Coventry at least once, if they can, and share in the very special and powerful message that simply coming here and being immersed in its story conveys. Twice a year, in spring and autumn, we hold a pilgrimage specifically for this purpose. It’s an occasion for partners, current and aspiring, to come together at Coventry Cathedral for prayer and contemplation, to meet others in the network, to share their stories and experiences, and to learn from and be involved in the work of the Cathedral’s global reconciliation ministry.

Dates for our next pilgrimages are Tuesday-Friday 15th-18th October 2024 and 27th-30th May 2025, and 12th-15th November 2025 (Wednesday-Saturday, to include the 85th anniversary of the Coventry Blitz on Friday 14th). See a typical programme here.

All partners and those wishing to join are very warmly welcomed. The cost to attend is £225 (inc VAT) per person, which covers all lunches, evening dinners and other daytime refreshments for the three days' duration, and all activities on the pilgrimage, but excludes accommodation, breakfast, or travel to and from Coventry. Register your interest for future pilgrimages by contacting

From our last International Partners' Gathering in Coventry in May 2023:

Where can the Community of the Cross of Nails and the environmental movement find common ground for action? Paul Bodenham of Green Christian, and Andii Bowsher, pacifist and chaplain, in conversation.

Reconciliation in a time of conflict part II: A conversation between Dean John Witcombe and the Revd Canon Paul Oestreicher

The Voice we need to hear: reflection by Revd David Coleman, Environmental Chaplain, EcoCongregation Scotland

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