Today, Mon 17th February Open 10:00am–4:00pm
Coventry Cathedral is open as normal today
General visiting times for the New Cathedral & Ruins Mon-Sat 10:00am–4:00pm
Sun 12:00pm–3:30pm
These opening times apply to the New Cathedral & Ruins. Other Cathedral locations' times differ.

You are here: Home / About us / Governance and Management

Governance and Management

There are several groups that have a role in the governance and management of Coventry Cathedral.

  • Chapter: The Chapter is the Cathedral’s governing body. It directs and oversees the administration of the Cathedral’s affairs and plays a leadership role in policy, strategy and vision. Chapter has primary responsibility for ensuring the Cathedral is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit and ensuring it is effectively and properly run. You can find out who is on Chapter here. It is supported in its work by various committees, including Finance, Audit and Risk Committee, Nominations Committee and St Michael's committee.
  • Senior Management Team: The Cathedral’s Senior Management Team (known as the Dean’s Leadership Team) is accountable to Chapter, working in partnership with it and has responsibility for the management and delivery of the Cathedral’s activities in line with the Cathedral’s strategic plan. You can meet the Senior Management Team here.
  • College of Canons: The College of Canons consists of clergy and lay people from across the Diocese of Coventry. The College expresses the close relationship between the Cathedral and the rest of the Diocese and is key to the continued development of the Cathedral’s strong relationship with the Diocese.

Members of Chapter

The Very Rev John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry (Chair)

Andrew Walster (Senior Non-Executive Member)

Rev Canon Mary Gregory

Rev Canon Nitano Muller

Rev Jo Joyce

Chris Cliffe

David Johnston

Graham Warren

Martin Williams

Richard Sapcote

Robin Thomas

Jake Sexton

Constitution and Statutes

Click here for the Constitution (PDF)
Click here for the Statutes (PDF)

Cathedral Policies

We hope that every interaction with Coventry Cathedral is positive and that we continue to live up to the high expectations people rightly have of us. However, if we appear to have failed in any way, we need to know about it, learn from it and take action. Please see below our policies on whistleblowing and complaints:

Please click here to view our Whistleblowing Policy
Please click here to view our Complaints Policy

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© Coventry Cathedral 2025 Coventry Cathedral is the working name of The Cathedral Church of St Michael Coventry (Registered charity no. 1204257)
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