Become an ICON school
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What do ICON Schools do?
ICONS embrace the three themes of its sister organisation, the Community of the Cross of Nails:
- Healing the Wounds of History
- Living with Difference and Celebrating Diversity
- Building a Culture of Peace
These three themes are worked out differently in each ICON School, depending on the school’s context. For some schools this includes use of restorative practices, lessons on peace-building and reconciliation, use of art and picture books to develop skills such as empathy and forgiveness, and pupil-driven projects to build bridges with the local community.
In order to apply for ICON School status, schools will need to have formed a relationship with Coventry Cathedral through network meetings or visiting and be able to demonstrate reconciliation as embedded at the heart of the school vision, ethos and daily life. We believe children and young people can positively impact their school and local community, challenge prejudice, foster peaceful relationships and celebrate diversity.
Take a look at our resources page for some practical lesson, workshop and assembly ideas to get you started and follow us on:
for more resources, online courses and meetings, or take a look at our latest newsletter - January 25 ICONS Newsletter