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News, resources and training

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Reconciliation training opportunities in 2024

Journey of Hope is a faith leadership programme run across several weekends over a number of months, to support individuals as they seek to reconcile relationships between themselves, their faith, the Earth, and others in order to transform communities. This training comes about through Coventry Cathedral’s partnership with other key peacemaking organisations in the UK and Ireland, and is currently available to UK and Ireland residents.

The Difference Course is a hugely successful short series of discussion workshops, held online and/or face to face. Delivery is through the training of local organisations to host it directly in their own communities, and as of February 2024, for schools to run the course.

Reconciliation Initiatives is a charity working in partnership with Coventry Cathedral and other partners on different continents, which seeks to equip Anglican Christians and their communities to handle disagreement more confidently and skilfully, and to be agents for reconciliation in wider society, through distinctive training programmes offered through their Anglican Peacemaking Institute.


To find out more about Coventry’s role in reconciliation, and the origins of the Community of the Cross of Nails and where it is today, watch this collection of reflections from each of Coventry's Canons for Reconciliation since the 1970s, recorded as part of an expanded series in 2015: Reconciliation: Reflections on Coventry’s Role (our thanks to the CCN North America Board for enabling this series of films, with stunning footage of Coventry Cathedral):

The Story of the Cross of Nails is a fantastic 6-minute introduction to the Coventry story, produced by the Diocese of Coventry in celebration of its 100th anniversary in 2018.

This Coventry Blitz Commemmoration service, for all ages, was produced for the 80th anniversary of the Coventry Blitz on 14th November 2020 and features archive footage, Provost Howard’s historic words read by Dean John Witcombe, the litany read by CCN lead partners around the world, and individual stories read by local schoolchildren.

‘Father Forgive’ is a 32-minute film about Coventry’s ministry of reconciliation, including filming at one of our pilgrimages, made by ‘Net for God’, a worldwide network working towards unity and peace between churches and cultures.

View the series of short weekly filmed prayers during 2020’s spring-early summer lockdown, based around the Litany of Reconciliation, from some of our CCN partner organisations in Germany:

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